VEX Robotics

So I have been very lucky and been sent some VEX IQ Robotics sets including the HEXBUG 4-1 Set to have a play with.  Here are a couple of videos I have done on VEX

I have really enjoyed messing around with VEX and hope to continue using it.  I have plans to do my usual and build something huge using VEX IQ and compare it to LEGO MINDSTORMS.  It will be very interesting to see how it compares.

Rotacaster Omniwheel Sale on NOW!


If you’re looking to get some of the coolest wheels available on the market today, then go check out the Rotacaster Omniwheels.  They’re currently having a sale on their website with a 15% discount.  You can find their shop site here: [LINK].  Use the discount code: RoboticsXmas to get the 15% off.  The sale ends December 19, so don’t delay too long.

These are the wheels that I used to create the LEGO Wheelchair and the LEGO ATV.  They rock!
