LEGO DACTA Interface A VB6 Control

Well finally it is here, I should of finished this and released it about a year ago but things just got manic!

The DACTA Interface A came out in 1986 and was designed to work with the BBC Micro (I believe).  I also believe it was the first computer controlled interface that LEGO Made. It ran of the parallel port and powered 4.5v motors and sensors.  It can run 3 motors (bidirectional) and 6 if they only need to go in a single direction.  It has 2 sensor ports which can support a touch sensor or light sensor.

A friend of mine made a custom cable for this so that it would run off a normal parallel port as apposed to a BBC one.

So to use the Visual Basic 6 Control you need to install NTPort which is used to talk to the parallel port.  You can download a evaluation of this from  This does not limit anything, just displays a popup.  I will try and make a version that does not require this dll.

No effort was made to make this pretty!

Click to download code (includes NTPort Eval)