My latest habit at the moment is to watch random documentaries about the history of the internet and the big players within that space.  So for example, the rise and fall of Yahoo, the deletion of Geocities and the history of Apple, Facebook, and Google.  I find the best place to find these rather geeky documentaries is on Youtube :).  I wouldn’t usually blog about this, however, while watching the deletion of Geocities (damn you Yahoo), a rather unique and cool project has come stem from it.  There been a lot of discussions lately on what should be done with old websites.  Sites like the Wayback Machine archive them for people to view, if you think about it,  Geocities is part of the history of the Internet, Geocities at its peak contained over 38 million user-created sites!  It appears before Yahoo could delete Geocities, the Archive Team backed up as many of the sites as it could into a massive  641 GB torrent file (which I plan to download somehow).

So where am I going with this?  Well, an artist called Richard Vijgen took the backup of Geocities and made an epic visualisation of it at,  I recommend everyone to go and have a look!  The Youtube video I was watching can be found