New Toy : Shapeoko 2 CNC Machine

It’s my birthday very soon and so I decided that the main robotic making tool I was missing was a CNC machine 🙂  A friend of mine had a Shapeoko 2 which he no longer needed and so I felt it was only right to steal it from him 🙂  The cool thing is, he builds robots to, really cool ones 🙂

Many people like my wife, family, friends have asked me what I am going to do with it, that’s a question that I am still working on.  It can make custom PCB’s which could be cool if I finally build and release a custom robot for people (a plan I do hope to do this year), also, I could use it to cut out parts to make robots, this seems like the logical answer.  All I know currently is it looks fricking cool and spins really really fast 🙂 Watch this space!