What have I been up to?

So, as you may or may not know, I changed jobs in March.  This was a pretty big thing for me as I have not changed companies for over 13 years!  My new job is at the O2 Labs as their senior iOS developer (woop woop!).

The lab is tasked with looking in to new tech, create prototypes of useful discoveries and then showing the business how they can use it (their is probably a more official better way to say it).   Generally people are not limited by skillset, so I can look at Android stuff, or robotics or anything that could be useful within reason.

It’s odd changing from a small company to a huge one, but so far its awesome (excluding travelling, damn you M3)!

I have been spending quite a bit of my time researching the new iOS8 api’s which has been fun.  It’s nice just focusing on the new stuff for once.

I have also managed to bring LEGO Mindstorms in to the Lab (well they technically had the old version)