Busy week, nothing achieved!

The title of this weeks post is probably a little unfair on myself.  Lots of stuff got worked on last week but no milestones to talk about.  After reading a blog post on productivity, I think I need to start focusing on fewer things to achieve more.  My constant context switching is fun but less productive.

Vibe Innovation

So this is my idea of starting a proper business and learning the ropes of a limited company.  The idea is to provide a technology prototyping service, basically making proof of concepts for people.  Progress this week has been around getting a site up and running (VibeInnovation.com), talking to accountants and stuff and preparing my business PayPal account.


I am trying to automate as much of this as possible and just make it run itself.  After that, I need to design a service or product that it offers that people will want and pay for.


Progress on this has been pretty good, for the MVP I have decided to use Google’s Firebase to handle the backend communication and data.  Once the paperwork is done for Vibe, my primary focus will be on Echo.


Paused 🙁

Keyword Research Ninja

So I have updated the costs of the product, linked it to my business PayPal account and created a product page.  All I need to do next is link it to the product and the site is done.


Finally started playing around with the VEX EDR v5 hardware, ready to make a large epic robot 🙂

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