New Android Project : VR 3D framework

So Virtual Reality has been one of my favourite subjects since I saw Lawnmover man as a kid.  I have made some very strange things in the past to try and make my own hardware / software for VR.  Oh boy where the Amiga days good fun!

So a few months ago, I made a simple split-screen 3D demo for iOS that used the Duo gamer controller, this can be found here:

I will be updating that soon to support normal iOS7 controllers so that Apple will accept it.  The Duo was added as a hack and never had a SDK 🙁

However,  due to the awesome news of Google Cardboard (VR via Cardboard!) and Oculus Rift working with Samsung to create a VR headset (uses your Note 4).  I thought it would be a good idea to start making my own one, similar to the iOS one but uses Android.

It can be found here:

I have just added support for the Moga game controller.

On a side note, this is worth a read

Getting VR to Run on Android Is “Hell,” Oculus’ Carmack Says





So, on the 2nd of May we had our second Compsoft Game Jam.  I use the term loosely as we don’t follow any format but to have fun.

The first Game Jam we had was based on creating a game with 24 hours based on a randomly picked theme.  This was mega fun and spawned (from me) Disjointed Tunnels (Android) and Stupid Chicken (iOS) which are both released.  Other people made some awesome games on different platforms.  We decided 24 hours was a little hard work straight after work (yes we go to work before these) and decided the next one was 12 hours.

The other changes to this one was that instead of starting new projects (the main point of a Game Jam), most of us would continue on projects that we are passionate about.

There where 8 of us this time (from 5),  listed below are the projects

  • Hack24 (mine) is a 3D MMO game in an endless world where you hack buildings and aim to be top hacker.
  • Augmented Reality draughts (new).
  • Nought & Crosses but in a multiple grid system like Sudoku (new)
  • A full blown network / game engine thats massively scaleable.
  • A flappy birds clone
  • A postman frenzy type game (new)
  • A spaceship shooter game
  • Web based space shooter / resource game

As you can see, some of these projects are quite large which leads me on to my next post about Hack24.

The general feedback was that people really enjoyed it, I think in some ways it lacked the special feeling of creating something completely new based on a random theme however when someone is passionate about a project, they really churn out the code.




Disjointed Tunnels is on Ouya!

I received some good news today, my game Disjointed Tunnels was accepted to the Ouya games store.
It took 2 attempts to get in due to me not handling exiting the game properly when using the Ouya controller and I needed to remove the help that was aimed at phones. The general process and feedback was very good.

The game is completely free.
Disjointed Tunnels